Assembleia da República Presidência de Portugal da União Europeia
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Presidência de Portugal da União Europeia

Meeting of the 8th Committee on Education and Science and the 15th Committee on Culture and Education at the EP - 18/19 December

History of COSAC

The role of the national parliaments in the European Union

Página da Presidência de Portugal da União Europeia


TRIO PROGRAMME –Eighteen months Programme of the German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies

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Vitalino Canas, Presidente da Comiss ão de Assuntos Euopeus

Welcome to the home page of the Assembly of the Republic for the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union.

The Parliamentary European Affairs Committee has the horizontal responsibilities of monitoring issues related to the European Union, collaborating with all the Specialist Parliamentary Committees in view of their specific competences, and preparing the plenary session debates. For this reason, this Committee will have extra work during the second half of 2007, with the organization of the 38 th COSAC (Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union), the organization of a cycle of Conferences on Future Challenges for Europe, meetings with delegations from other national parliaments and the European Parliament, and monitoring the work of the Government whilst it holds the Presidency of the Council.
